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Guys Cliffe House


A sprawling mansion on land dating back to the 14th century featuring a Masonic Temple, hidden caves, cellars and many more haunted rooms!

Guys Cliffe House

  • Guys Cliffe House takes its name from the legendary Guy of Warwick (a humble servant to the Saxon Earl of Warwick). Guy is supposed to have retired as a hermit on this land, a legend which led to the founding of a chantry on the site in 1423 dedicated to St Mary Magdelene of which several rock carved rooms still remain. 

    The current ruined house dates from 1751 and was started by Samuel Greatheed, a West India merchant and Member of Parliament for Coventry 1747-1761. The estate also comprised a mill, stables, kitchen garden and land as far as Blacklow Hill.

    The house was used as a hospital during World War I and during World War II became a school for evacuated children.

    Guys Cliffe estate was broken up and sold in 1947. 

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